*kid = young person/child. *venture = dare to do something.
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19 October 2007

Experience The Bible Brought To Life......as if you were there!!

We Hope To See You There!

1 comment:

Mrs. G said...

This was a review of our event listed on "Bits and Pieces" blog Wednesday, October 31, 2007 by Steffanie

*(Sis. Knight is Mrs. LK)

Tonight was a special night for all the children around WAT. Sis. Knight, our wonderful Sunday School Director, along with her great help sent the kids back to the Bible in what they called, "Bible Stories Brought To Life." It was a great idea and all the children had a great time of fun and learning along the way, AND they even got their own bag of candy in the process. They went back in time to Daniel and the Lions Den, The 10 Plagues of Egypt, Paul & Silas in Jail, and Jonah and the Whale. There was a "full grown lion (my oldest son) in the lions den, real life blood from the river in Egypt, real stocks, praise and earthquake coming forth from the jail, and a huge whale complete with gills and spout spraying water that the children could actually get inside. Much time and energy went into tonight's fun night and I want to say publicly, "Thank you, Sis. Knight and Sis. Nathasha G. for your dedication and sacrifice. You guys are the greatest!"
I was able to slip back and take a few pics and videos of the action and just thought I'd share them with you. It was great fun and excitement for all who participated. Just goes to show you that Christians can still have fun and church ISN'T the least bit boring contrary to the belief of some. God is exciting and doesn't want His business being a drag. Doesn't it say somewhere in the Word something about, "joy unspeakable"...doesn't sound boring to me. Enjoy these pics and check back for more great news shortly. God is really moving in our children's groups and we thank Him for it. God bless each of you!
Posted by Steffanie Russ at 8:57 PM