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23 October 2007

Agents In Action

The Mission Possible Team Decided to put on a skit to show the adults what they have been learning.

Agent #1: Alright team we have a special mission and are awaiting our instructions Agent #2: Please direct you eyes to the message on the screen.


Ninja #1 (Jealousy/Hatred/Unkindness) and #2 (Lies/Doubt) pushes agent Frank “tied” to a chair to middle of altar area.

3 Agents walk fast up to ninjas and makes a stance

Agents: CODE F.R.O.G. Fully Rely On God

Ninja #1 Stumbles

3 Agents walk up to other ninja and makes a stance

Agents: CODE P.U.S.H. Pray Until Something Happens

Ninja #2 Stumbles

3 Agents “attack” ninjas and makes a stance

Agents: C.O.D.E. H.A.T. Hunger and Thirst

Agent #1: According to Matthew 5:6, If we hunger and thirst after righteousness we shall be filled.

Ninja #1 (jealousy/hatred/Unkindness) Falls to the Ground

Ninja #2: (YELLS) You can’t defeat us!

Agents: C.O.D.E G.I.G.O. Garbage in Garbage Out

Agent #2: If its lovely, true, and a good report we will think on those things not garbage like your lies!

Ninja #1 (Lies/Doubt) Falls to the Ground

Agent 1 & 2 untie Agent Frank

All Agents: (put on sunglasses look at the audience) CODE S.P.A.M. Study Pray and Memorize

Agent Frank: We can do all things through Christ which strengthens us!

All Agents: (YELL) Cause we’re Mission Possible!

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