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20 April 2011


Topic: Spiritual Growth/spiritual fruits (love peace joy longsuffering)-PART 2

Galatians 5:22-23 "The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control."


Love: Jonathan and David

Who was David’s best friend?

Did you know that his best friend was Jonathan, the son of King Saul?
Read Samuel Chapter 20.

Jonathan’s dad was a king. And he didn’t like Jonathan’s friend David. David was afraid so he wanted to run away, but Jonathan told him to wait until he talked to his dad the king, and then meet him later. Jonathan told David to hide behind a rock and wait for a secret message. They decided since Jonathan was a prince and had a helper, it would be a good idea for Jonathan to shoot arrows and talk to his helper. David would stay behind the rock and listen to what they said. If Jonathan said, “look, the arrows are beside you,” to his helper, it would mean David could come out, he would be safe. But if Jonathan said “No, the arrows are farther beyond you”, then that would mean David should run away because the king wanted to kill him. Jonathan and his dad were talked about David and his dad got really mad. Jonathan was sad because he knew he would have to tell David to run away.

Read 1 Samuel 20:35-42. Jonathan must have loved David to protect him from his father the king, Jesus wants us to have that kind of love in our hearts.

Adapted/Modified from Copyright 2002 Cheryl Coffey tcoffey@hrtc.net

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