*kid = young person/child. *venture = dare to do something.
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10 April 2011

Growing Up

Topic: Spiritual Growth/spiritual fruits (love peace joy longsuffering)-PART 1

Can you believe it’s already April, this year is going by so fast! As time goes by, we get older. We go from newborns that drink bottles, to toddlers learning to walk, then to students learning math and science. The older we get we learn to like new things.

We get rid of our building blocks………
and get leggos

We also learn more about manners and rules. We are given tests in school to give proof of what we learn.

The same thing happens with our spiritual life. The more we learn about God, the more we learn about how He wants us to live. How do we show we are learning and growing spiritually? By our attitudes and actions. The Bible tells us that they will know us by our fruits.

In Galatians 5:22, it lists the fruits that we should be showing.

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,”

How are you showing proof that you are growing up spiritually?

Click on the envelope symbol below and let us know!

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