*kid = young person/child. *venture = dare to do something.
KidVenture is a place where we challenge kids to dare to be the best they can be with God's help!


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09 August 2009

What a menu!

Have you ever been really hungry and went to a fast food restaurant with your family? The restaurants have a lot of food you can choose. Your stomach is growling and as you look at menu you start to drool just thinking of how delicious it will all be. What do you do? Do you get the tasty fries but not the juicy burger? What about the milkshake? Finally you decide on a value meal and you eat it all but a little while later you are hungry again!

Just like our bodies feel hungry for food, our hearts should feel hungry for God.

Hungry? Yup hungry! We should really want to live our lives in a way that will make God happy. In Matthew 5:6 it says:

Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled.

Righteousness = Following God's rules in our hearts and in our actions.

How can we know what the rules are? By praying, reading our bibles, listening to our pastors, parents, and Sunday school teachers.

So, if you are hungry and thirsty order everything because you're going to get full!

Let me know how you follow Gods rules. Click on the word comments below and let me know. We will make sure we post what you say on the following week.

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