*kid = young person/child. *venture = dare to do something.
KidVenture is a place where we challenge kids to dare to be the best they can be with God's help!


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01 February 2009


Have you ever tried to learn how to ride a bike or maybe even a skateboard? Maybe you had to move to a brand new school where you didn't know anyone? Or have you had a test that was very hard?

All of those situations can seem very scary and sometimes make our tummies feel like it's in knots. At times like these we may feel very worried.

In the bible, Philippians 4:6 (King James Version), it says:

Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your request be made known unto God.

Read the In the New Living Translation to better understand it:

Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.
First: Get a piece of paper, a pencil, and a large eraser. Write down whatever you're worried about. It can be 1 or even 100 things whatever fits on the paper.

Second: Read Philippians 4:6. After you read the verse close your eyes and pray.
Third: After you have prayed get your eraser and erase each thing off of your paper. This represents all your problems and worries being turned over to God and remember that God has everything in control and will help you!

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