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10 April 2008

Let it bluster, blither, and blow!

Calm in the Storm
You can rely on God in any situation.

How would you feel if you were in a tornado? Describe a situation when you were afraid. What made that situation scary? What did you do?

Read the Scripture Luke 8:22-25. Have you ever felt like the disciples did? How easy or difficult is it to trust God when you’re afraid? Why? What’s a good way to remember we can trust God the next time we feel afraid?


Create Your Own Tornado
You Need: Two 2-liter plastic soft drink bottles, water, one 1-inch metal washer, duct tape, food coloring, and glitter.

Let’s recreate a terrifying force in nature to see how it works.

The Experiment: Fill one bottle two-thirds full with water. Add food coloring and glitter to the water. Put the metal washer on the bottle mouth, then place the second bottle upside down on the first bottle so the mouths are connected by the washer. Tightly wrap several layers of duct tape around the bottle mouths to secure them, creating a tornado tube. Test the tube to ensure no water leaks. Turn the bottle over, start the tornado by swirling the top bottle, and watch the water simulate a tornado as it swirls down.

Scientific Facts: Water swirling in the tube is similar to the vortex of a tornado. The water spirals down, moving the glitter with it—just like a tornado moves objects in its path.

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