*kid = young person/child. *venture = dare to do something.
KidVenture is a place where we challenge kids to dare to be the best they can be with God's help!


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27 December 2007

Santa What? Santa Who?

(Click on Santa)
It's two days after christmas and everyone keeps asking the feeling question:

1) Was Santa good to you? 2) Did Santa bring you lots of gifts/presents?

Has anyone asked you yet?

While presents and gifts are fun to get, we should be letting everyone know that God was and is good ALL the TIME! He gives us the gift of everlasting life! All we have to do is follow Acts 2:38 and obey God's word.


jewcoleman said...

Jesus has been very good to our family this past year! We have been blessed to go from 2 members to 4 members - one even has red hair!
We love you and are praying for you!
Janeth : )

Mrs. G said...

don't know how to get in touch with you....but its awesome to hear about your 2 kids...hopefully you'll see this and email me at nathashae@yahoo.com or leave your email address thanks!