*kid = young person/child. *venture = dare to do something.
KidVenture is a place where we challenge kids to dare to be the best they can be with God's help!


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13 March 2011

Just Like Green Eggs and Ham

Sam's friend in the Dr. Seuss book decided right away that he did not like green eggs and ham.

I would not like them here or there.
I would not like them anywhere.
I do not like green eggs and ham.
I do not like them, Sam-I-am.
(Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss, Copyright 1988 Beginner Books)

Sometimes that's the same way it is for us when we try something new. Doing things we don't like is difficult.

But have you ever said NO to something that is supposed to be good for you?

Like if your mom tells you to eat your peas, or if your dad tells you to do your homework and go to bed early.

It is hard to study and go to bed early, but if we do, we will do good on our tests and feel rested for the next day at school.

We were all created to worship God. One of the ways to know more about Him is to study the Bible.

Studying the Bible may seem difficult, hard, boring, or even new for us. But if we give it a try there are so many wonderful things we learn that will help us every day. Read Psalm 199:11, 47, 97. 105, and 140.

The Bible gives us instructions for how to act, proof of miracles, and tells about the Awesomeness of God's creation.

Our studying, praying, and being obedient leads us to become better Christians, and one day we will live in Heaven and get to see Jesus face to face!

We may not think we like to study or pray
But when walking the right path it helps us obey
No its not green eggs and ham
But we can spiritually grow, Yes we can.

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