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27 September 2007


What does Code P.U.S.H. mean?
(Look at the end of Training Assignment #2 for the answer)

Mission Possible Training Day 2:

Lean with your shoulder against the wall for 5 seconds.

What happened? Nothing!

Now lean with your shoulder against the wall again but press hard for 2 minutes.

What Happened? Did your arm raise up from your side by itself? It did! It didn't work the first time because we weren't pressing hard enough or long enough. That just what we have to do when we pray! Sometimes we don't see results immediately but if we keep praying we will.

The bible says that the church, in Acts chapter 12 verse 5, prayed without ceasing (meaning without stopping) for Peter to be released from Prison and because of their prayers he was released from prison. We need to always remember to P.U.S.H.!

Training Assignment #2:


I Thessalonians 5:17 - Pray without ceasing.

Acts 12:5 - Peter therefore was kept in prison: but prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto God for him.


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