*kid = young person/child. *venture = dare to do something.
KidVenture is a place where we challenge kids to dare to be the best they can be with God's help!


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27 September 2007

CIA? FBI? Nope it's the M.P.I.A.!

For the past 4 weeks on Wednesday nights the children and I have been training at what we like to call M.P.I.A.

For all you adults out there (just in case you haven't heard) M.P.I.A. stands for Mission Possible Investigative Agency.

Each students starts out as Agents in Training but by completing training assignments (learning memory passages) and completing missions (learning what the codes mean) by Week 5 they will become Agents. So with sunglasses on faces, badges on lapels, and folder “briefcases” in hand this is one adventure we'll not soon forget.

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